Why another algorithm tutorial ?
Numerous implementations of popular algorithms abound across various online platforms and blogs. While these resources serve their purpose well, my intention is not to supplant them. Rather, I recognize that for novice programmers, comprehension often comes more readily through visual aids such as videos rather than through traditional written materials.
While existing resources excel at teaching algorithms, few focus on techniques for long-term retention and efficient recall. Additionally, the ability to confidently discern problem-solving patterns is crucial. My aim is not to overwhelm with a plethora of algorithms, but rather to provide concise notes and visual aids for key algorithms, facilitating rapid review.
All diagrams presented herein are original creations, meticulously designed to enhance comprehension and recall. Crafting these aids required considerable effort, and I kindly request attribution if this content is reproduced elsewhere.
- Two Pointers
- Binary Search
Sliding Window
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Classic Sliding Window Problem)
Find Maximum in Sliding Window
Minimum Window Substring
Longest Repeating Character Replacement
- Linked List
Balanced Binary Tree
Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree
Merge Two Binary Trees
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
Validate Binary Search Tree
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
Binary Tree Right Side View
Kth Smallest Element in a BST
Diameter of a Binary Tree
Construct Binary Tree from PreOrder and InOrder Traversal
Same Tree
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
Trim a Binary Search Tree
Path Sum
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
- Graph
- Matrices
- Others
- Backtracking
- Greedy Techniques
- Dynamic Programming